Dog Vegetable St.Hippolyt

Dog Vegetable St.Hippolyt


-Improves and supports the GASTROINTESTINAL tract


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Vegetarian food for dogs with natural orientation, without tempting substances, dyes and preservatives.

highly digestible carbohydrates
with vegetables, brewer's yeast and algae
with essential amino acids

A complete food rich in vital substances, which with the addition of meat, for example DogFleisch, can also be served moist.

Ingredients rich in vital substances

Different types of flaked cereals provide well digestible energy. Wheat sprouts and linseed oil contain valuable fatty acids, lecithin and natural vitamin E. Vegetables and bran provide valuable dietary fiber. Brewer's yeast provides essential amino acids and B-complex vitamins. The natural microelements of the yeast selenium and zinc improve the hair structure and immune defenses.

Bio-available mineralization

Millet, seaweed meal and seaweed calcium ensure strong connective tissue and healthy structure
skeletal. A well-balanced supply of trace elements for the metabolism and the immune system and the content of delicately processed ingredients make St. Hippolyt Dog a unique food of its kind.


Corn flakes, barley flakes, whole grain oat flakes, puffed millet, puffed barley, corn germ,
brewer's yeast, corn croquettes, puffed wheat, puffed rice, cold-pressed linseed / sunflower oil,
seaweed meal, calcium carbonate (maritime and mineral), soy flakes, hydrothermally digested (without carrots)
Beetroot, celery, salt, parsley, malt, magnesium fumarate.

-Improves and supports the GASTROINTESTINAL tract
Weight 15 kg

Fiocchi di mais, fiocchi d'avena, occhi d'orzo, germi di mais 7%, crusca di grano, orzo soffiato, olio di lino et di girasole pressato a freddo, riso soffiato, lievito di birra, miglio soffiato, crocchete di mais, carote, farina d'alghe marine, carbonato di calcio (marittimo e minerale), barbabietola rossa, sedano, frutta secca, sale, prezzemolo, magnesio fumarato


Proteina grezza 10,0 %, Fibra grezza 4,0 %, Grasso grezzo 8,0 %, Cenere grezza 8,3 %, Calcio 1,8 %, Fosforo 1,0 %, Magnesio 0,3 %, Sodio 0,3 %

Additivi Nutrizionali (per chilo)

Vitamina A 21.000 IE, Vitamina D3 2.200 IE, Vitamina E 1.000 170 mg, Vitamina C 1.000 mg, Vitamina B1 35 mg, Vitamina B2 55 mg, Vitamina B6 35 mg, Vitamina B12 50 mcg, Biotina 600 mcg, Acido nicotinico 85 mg, Acido folico 6 mg, Acido pantotenico 33 mg, Cloruro di colina 600 mg

Microelementi (per chilo)

Ferro 200 mg, Zinco 200 mg, Manganese 100 mg, Rame 30 mg, Iodio 1,2 mg, Cobalto 2,5 mg, Selenio 0,3 mg

SKU: 17064 Category: